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(fwd) LANDSCOPE: USDA and DOI Release Draft Of Unified Federal Watershed

On 29 Jun 1999 16:10:25, in bionet.agroforestry
wafcdc@americanlands.org wrote:

From: "wafcdc@americanlands.org" <wafcdc@americanlands.org>
Subject: LANDSCOPE: USDA and DOI Release Draft Of Unified Federal
Watershed Policy  

LANDSCOPE, News and Views from American Lands - June 29, 1999

USDA and DOI Release Draft Of Unified Federal Watershed Policy  

The U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Interior released a draft of a
Unified Federal Policy for Ensuring a Watershed Approach to Federal
Land and
Resource and Management.  The two primary goals of the Policy are to
use a
watershed approach to prevent and reduce water pollution resulting
federal land and resource management activities and to accomplish this
in a
unified and cost effective manner.  The working draft is available to
public on the home page of the Bureau of Land Management
http://www.blm.gov/nhp/whatwedo/cwap/ and the Forest Service home page
http://www.fs.fed.us/clean/unified/  A copy can also be obtained by
the Forest Service at 406/329-3388.  

. . . Later this summer the Administration plans to publish this
proposal in
the Federal Register for public comment and to hold public meetings in
Sacramento, Portland, Denver, Phoenix, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and
DC.  This is an important opportunity for forest activists to ensure
protecting water quality and watershed restoration will be priorities
in the
new policy.  For further information contact Ami Grace with the Clean
Network at 202/289-2421, cleanwaternt@igc.org

Executive Order on Biomass?  The White House Office of Science and
Technology and the Department of Energy are nearing completion of a
Executive Order to promote biomass and biobased products.  This could
be a
positive step for the environment by developing renewable energy
sources and
environmentally sound materials.  However, the proposed Order uses
to provide the feed stock for these materials and energy supplies.
Overcutting forests on both public and private lands and the
of chip mills suggest that new tax incentives to log forests for
products are untimely.  Please contact David Gardener, Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), at 202/260- 4332 and let him know you are
to the forest provisions in the Bioenergy Executive Order.  Provide
information about unsustainable logging on both private and public
lands in
your region, particulary the environmental problems related to chip

World-Wide Campaign Launched to Combat WTO Assault on Forests:  A
campaign  to derail World Trade Organization (WTO) plans to write
agreements that will threaten the world's forests was announced
said a release from the International Forum on Globalization, Pacific
Environment & Resources Center and American Lands.  "Measures to
trade in forest products will increase consumption without
implementing conservation measures," said a joint statement from the
"Our forests don't need more logging," said Jim Jontz of American
Lands. "In
fact, they need stronger protection."

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Steve Holmer
Campaign Coordinator

American Lands 
726 7th Street, SE
Washington, D.C. 20003
202/547-9213 fax