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Lawrence F. London, Jr. -|- Venaura Farm
InterGarden -|- http://metalab.unc.edu/london
lflondon@worldnet.att.net -|- london@metalab.unc.edu
Title: linx

Permaculture Visions© Links

1. General:
6th Permaculture Conference Proceedings| Plants for a future comprehensive database plant listings | Permaculture International and Journal | Sustainable Agriculture- University of California |  Permaculture Magazine UK| PermaWebCommunications for a Sustainable Future | Permaculture The Earth | Permaculture FAQ on the WebPlanet NeighbourhoodPlanet Ark | "The cruelty-free living center" | Sals  Page -don't panic eat organic | Carmela's Page | Archemides project | The Permaculture institute Tyalgum email: tagari@norex.com.au  | Earthlink | Brian Weston's NZ | TART NZ | Permaculture Activist |  PUBLICATIONS: Maya Books OR Amazon Books 

2. Specialist:
Ethics: Permaculture Business EthicsTravelers Earth Repair Network | GeneEthics web site 
Natural System and Design: Masanobu Fukuoka | Alternative Farming systems information centre
Water:  Keyline - Stormwater mitigation | grey water management | OzGreen | Yeomans Plow Co.
Soil: Mycorrhizae Web Sites Pesticide Action | organic farming UK geocities| 
Cultivated Ecology- Zone1/2 Composting | Seed Savers NSW | Cornucopia | ATTRA Organic Gardening | Santol Tropical Fruits| The Potato Patch | Bee Keeping -The Potato Patch Heritage fruits SE Aust. | TARTS Healthly Herbs | Rare Fruits | Pomologie Herbweb |
Zone3 Rare Breeds Australia with desciptions | forage herbs | Pastured Pork and Poultry Live Earth Farm Dairy Farms Pasture Management | Disease and Epedemics in Cattle | Natural Harvest Farm Oregon| Good cattle info: Steve Dwyer, Email: smd@wdc.net  more on cover crops Davis | University California, Davis, USA : a wide range of Ag info | Bamboo World Australia  Zone4:  US National Arboretum | Agroforestry Zambia   Zone5: NEW Golden Boomerang Landcare | Weeds of the World ProjectInternational Plant Genetic Resources Institute | Aust. Rare Breeds Assoc.Victoria 3690 | Emu Farming and Recipes |
Buildings Natural Building Gallery | Emilis low energy buildings | Underground housing | Wool Insulation | Wool Insulations of NSW - Eddie Thomson 0298222200
Appropriate Technology | Electric Transit Vehicles | Solar student info network | online calculator to determine sun slopes. | "My Stars" animated view of the sky | Communications for a Sustainable Future | NEW! Earthlink products | NCat |
Wildlife and Bio-Diversity  International Bio-Diversity Program | Termites |
Villages: | Ecovillage Info  | Property Caretaking | Ecovillage courses Intentional communities USA | Goose Creek Farm USA |
Community Economics: Steve's Syberscience Secrets | Global LETS page | Wollongong LETS| Grameen Bank supporters
Community Farms: [CSA] Ash Grove Community Farm | GooseCreekFarm
WOOF (willing workers on Organic Farms)

Misc. Australian Correspondence School | Intellicast Weather ServiceInfowatch |

3. Regional :
General Directory: Permaculture Global Assistance Network |Permaculture International Global Directory |

Individual Regional Sites:
Australian: NEW! Doorstep Organics, Berry NSW | Permaculture Western Australia | Permaculture South Australia APACE Sydney UNSW mailto: permaext@magna.com.au | Permaculture Melbourne
U.S.A: Prarie Dock Farm Wisconsin|  NEW! Lilac Moon ELC, Osage USA |  NEW! La'akea Permaculture Gardens Hawaii | Friends of the Trees - USACross Timbers Permaculture Institute Texas |  Central Rocky Mountain Institue in Texas Email:103070.2354@compuserve.com |Bay Area USA Permaculture Group Web Page | Turtle Island USA Permaculture| BuyGreen Virginia | E.A.& E.E.- Bellingham Washington | Elba I. Reyes, Ph.D creating intentional village | Earthaven |
International: TROPICS- mulch based Ag | Japan: Okada; Dr. Tsuneo Taguchi Permaculture Mind/Body/Spirit - South Africa |  France: Pomologie  Brazil mailto: asoares@rl30.aone.net.au | Instituto de Permacultura da Bahia | Building design for Northern climates (finland?) | Heeley City Farm Sheffield, UK | Jan Martin Bang, Kibbutz Gezer, ecowork@gezernet.co.il | Permaculture in Israel | Permaculture in Brazil | LEBENSGARTEN Steyerberg North Germany mailto: agni@gaia.org | Spain | Nepal Permaculture Group mailto: Insan@visnu.ccsl.com.np

4. Mailing Groups -
Sunsite, Larry London Index to permaculture resources - by type | organic gardening | homestead listserver |
GERMAN mailing list   mailto:perma-de-subscribe@makelist.com.  Make your own list for free at    http://www.makelist.com

5. Happenings:

  • Events in South Australia - Steve Lever
  • Permaculture Illawarra Australia next meeting mailto:askpv@ozemail.com.au or phone: 0242 843776
 6. Internships:
  • Samson Farms is one of the few active Permaculture inspired projects in Israel outside of the Kibbutz sector. CONTACT Samson Farms P.O.Box 56 Kfar Uria D.N. Shimshon Israel
  • Full Circle Organic Farm.  Located in the Sierra foothills about 45 miles NE of Sacramento, CA., Marcie A. Rosenzweig and Lee Hendrickson 3377 Early Times Lane Auburn, Ca 95603 (530)885-9201 email: fullcircle@jps.net
  • Center for Expressive Arts & Experiential Education, we offer internships and work experience in applied permaculture principles.
  • Marsha Hanzi [hanzibra@svn.com.br] Brazilian Permaculture Training.
Do you have a link to add? mailto:askpv@ozemail.com.au