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NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology

Lawrence F. London, Jr. -|- Venaura Farm
InterGarden -|- http://metalab.unc.edu/london
lflondon@worldnet.att.net -|- london@metalab.unc.edu
Title: NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology

NCAT Main Page
Our Partners
Our Headquarters
Board of Directors
NCAT Endowment
Low Income Energy
Sustainable Energy
Sustainable Agriculture
Resource Efficient Housing New Horizon Technology
NCAT logo

News Flashes
Our Mission:
To champion sustainable technologies and community based approaches that protect natural resources and assist people, especially the economically disadvantaged, in becoming self reliant.
The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT), established as a non-profit corporation in 1976, works to find solutions that use local resources to address problems that face all Americans, especially society's most disadvantaged citizens. Through more than 20 years of service, NCAT's work has grown from addressing the immediate energy needs of low-income people to promoting a wide array of sustainable technologies and technology transfer, including nationally-recognized work in energy and resource efficiency and sustainable agriculture. (Click Here to read a History of NCAT)

NCAT has helped individuals, communities, government agencies, nonprofits and others with appropriate technology and sustainable development issues by providing the expertise for a broad range of programs and projects, including the following:
  • Creating and operating national information clearinghouses on energy efficiency and renewables, sustainable agriculture, and low-income energy;
  • Developing Internet websites on sustainable community development;
  • Assisting public housing authorities with energy conservation;
  • Preparing environmentally safe integrated pest management plans for farms and wildlife refuges;
  • Researching wind and solar development potential on Native American lands;

New Horizon Technologies, Inc., was established as a for-profit subsidiary of NCAT in 1982. Well known for its work in energy monitoring, New Horizon Technologies also provides market assessments for innovative energy technologies, consults with farmers and other land managers about sustainable agricultural practices, and develops safety and health solutions for small businesses.

NCAT's own sustainable future depends on the partnerships we develop with other organizations. Our partners include universities, national governments, and non-profit organizations. Click here to see a list of our Partners.

For more information about NCAT programs, or to discuss working with NCAT, please visit our program Web sites, or contact us by phone or e-mail. We look forward to working with you.

National Center for Appropriate Technology
go to NCAT 3040 Continental Drive Butte, Montana 59702
Telephone (406) 494-4572
Toll free 1-800-275-6228 (ASK-NCAT)
Fax (406) 494-2905
E-mail: info@ncat.org
Website: http://www.ncat.org
Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas
back to attra P.O. Box 3657 - Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703
Telephone (501) 442-9824
Toll-free for ATTRA 1-800-346-9140
Fax (501) 442-9842
Website: http://www.attra.org
Resource Efficient Multifamily Housing Services
go to Resource Efficient Housing 3040 Continental Drive - Butte, Montana 59702
Toll free 1-800-275-6228 (ASK-NCAT)
or (406) 494-4572
Fax (406) 494-2905
E-mail: reh@ncat.org
Website: http://www.ncat.org/reh
Montana Rivers Project
MT Rivers Project 3040 Continental Drive - Butte, Montana 59702
Telephone (800) 275-6228 (toll free)
or (406) 494-8672
Fax (406) 494-2905
E-mail: mikem@ncat.org
Website: http://www.ncat.org/mtrivers
LIHEAP Clearinghouse
go to LIHEAP 3040 Continental Drive - Butte, Montana 59702
Telephone: (888) 294-8662 (toll-free)
or (406)494-8662
Fax (406) 494-2905
E-mail: kayj@ncat.org
Website: http://www.ncat.org/liheap
Center for Resourceful Building Technology
go to CRBT P.O. Box 100 - Missoula, MT 59806
Telephone: (406) 549-7678
Fax: (406) 549-4100
E-mail: crbt@ncat.org
Website: http://www.montana.com/crbt
New Horizon Technologies
go to NHT 3040 Continental Drive - P.O.Box 5000
Butte, Montana 59702
FAX: 406.494.2905
Email: NewHorizon@ncat.org
Website: http://www.newhorizontech.com

| | Home | | Partners | | History | | Headquarters | | Board of Directors | | Endowment | | Staff | | Low Income Energy | | Sustainable Energy | | Sustainable Agriculture | | Resource Efficient Housing | | New Horizon Technology | |

Last modified 06/10/99.