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help with ID

I have a bird I can't ID. At first I thought I had a RC kinglet at my suet
but upon closer exam, I don't feel as sure.  Its body is not chunky enough
and no red crest (its head was directly at me)  Here goes my "details"  A
warbler shaped body ie, thinner than RCK, 2 white wing bars, olive nape,
light olive to the crest area where the kinglet would be red, white
underneath coverts with white undertail.  upper tail coverts olive, eye ring
not quite full and doesn't make the eye look the same as RCK, and white
breast and belly.  Its tail doesn't look like any in the Warbler books and
have the rest of it match.  I am terrible on size but feel it is bigger than
a kinglet maybe 4-5" long.  I was trying to make it into a Orange crowned
Warbler but the undertail is wrong.  Hope some one can help.  thanks for the
help  Oh, the bird is at my house on Hillsborough not in woods although
woods are nearby.  barb brooks  brooksba@mindspring.com