Monday March 26 at 11, Sarah “Intellagirl” Robbins (details here) “Creating Authentic and Engaging Community-Oriented Learning Spaces: Using Second Life in Higher Education Classrooms.”

Thursday March 29 at noon:30, ASIST panel (includes me) on “THIS CONVERSATION IS BEING BLOGGED: Our lives, online, all the time, in the trend towards lifelogging” in Wilson Library.

Wednesday April 4 at 7 pm, RTP 2.0 at Tyler’s in Durham. An Open Social!

Saturday April 14, Security and Liberty Forum featuring Bruce Schneier, Robert Ellis Smith, Melissa Ngo (EPIC), Jim Harper (Cato), Katherine Bryant (ChoicePoint), P. T. Wright, Acting Deputy Director, Department of Homeland Security. Moderated by NC State Senator Janet Cowell.