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SAA Descriptive Notes Newsletter Mailed 6/21/01

The summer 2001 issue of DESCRIPTIVE NOTES, the
newsletter of the Description Section of the Society of
American Archivists, was mailed nonprofit bulk rate to
446 subscribers on June 21, 2001.

Among the information contained in this 8-page issue,
are highlights of the forthcoming Description Section
Meeting (Aug. 31) and Finding Aids Fair (Aug. 30-31)
during the SAA 2001 annual meeting in Washington, DC.

For more info, contact the Descriptive Section chair,
Bill Landis at mailto:blandis@uci.edu.

Teresa Brinati
Director of Publishing
Society of American Archivists
527 S. Wells Street, 5th Floor
Chicago, IL 60607-3992 USA
312/922-0140   Fax 312/347-1452

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