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Archivist and Librarian

Hello Everyone!
I cannot tell you how odd it is to me to see discussions about me on the Listserve but I did have to make one clarification.
When I taught at San Jose State last year, it was for the Library Science school and was a Library Science class so I did not focus on archival work.  I also lecture on Archival work, but it is usually separate from Library Science teaching.
The bulk of my staff has both the librarianship and archival graduate work.  We do both.  We perform the librarian and archival function for collections.  I do not think that the two have to be mutually exclusive as long as you recognize that they have different training.  I love that I can take an archival collection through appraisal, rehousing, reformatting, and finding aid creation all the way through indexing and representing it on the web.  Many of us multitask in these financially tight professions.
There is a great allied brain skill in both librarianship and archival work.  Some of us are lucky enough to be able to do both and I am excited about that.  Many of us in these fields have a strong quest for learning and knowledge and that is the best part of it!
So, yes, I am a Librarian  but I am also a historian, cataloger, indexer, Archivist, and preservationist. 
I think it would be great if we all got more involved with our local media to better explain what it is those labels represent so that journalists and the public better understood our skills.  The listserve has brought up a very important point.  I hope that we continue on this thought...The ALA Listserve is currently having a discussion on Librarians and their Image labels.
Kim Schroeder
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