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FW: Archivist documentation of disaster

Title: FW: Archivist documentation of disaster

Actually, this story is connected to the American Folklore Project. A few weeks ago on this listserv there was a request from an office of the Library of Congress for folklorists across the country to go out and tape people across the country. It was mentioned that it would be similar to what happened after Pearl Harbor when Alan Lomax, I think, issued a call for oral histories.

I forwarded the information to my brother in Wisconsin who is a folklorists. He told me that he'd already heard about it.

I only heard part of the story this morning on the radio too since there was a brief power outage, but I heard enough to know that this is what they were talking about.

Kit Leary
Oregon Shakespeare Festival

-----Original Message-----
From:   Richard Pearce-Moses [SMTP:rpm9@MINDSPRING.COM]
Sent:   Thursday, October 04, 2001 6:53 AM
Subject:        Archivist documentation of disaster

I heard snippets of a story on Morning Edition this morning about an archivist in Hawaii who grabbed a tape recorder and interviewed people right after the attack on Pearl Harbor.  Thought some of you would be interested in the story, given recent discussion about archivists' response to the September 11 events.

Checked the NPR Website, but the stories won't be available 'til after noon today.  Check

-- Richard Pearce-Moses