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MAC Computer Question


I am asking this question for a coworker of mine who is currently not a member of this list.

She is having problems with JPEG image files created in Photoshop that have been burned to CD on a PC, and then re-opened on a MAC computer.  When the CD is opened on the MAC, the files have renamed themselves from the names given to them on the PC, causing a great deal of confusion.  The images on the CD are used for access purposes only, not preservation.  Has anyone else had this problem?  What causes the renaming?  Can anything be done to prevent this from happening?

Please respond directly to Laura Kissel at kissel.4@osu.edu.

Thank you in advance.

Julie A. Petersen
Audiovisual Curator, Photo Archives
The Ohio State University Archives
Columbus, OH 43210
TEL:    614-292-1767
FAX:    614-688-4150