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FW: Photograph Preservation

Title: Photograph Preservation
Here's one good answer!
Thanks Roby!
Nancy Iannucci
Emma Willard School
-----Original Message-----
From: Roby, Sydney [mailto:sroby@goucher.edu]
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 3:09 PM
To: Nancy Iannucci
Subject: RE: Photograph Preservation

I've used plastic erasors (available at art stores and some craft stores) successfully
-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Iannucci [mailto:niannucc@EMMA.TROY.NY.US]
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 1:26 PM
Subject: Photograph Preservation

Hello All:

I am a new member to the archives listserv.  I have a quick question/problem that I hope I can be helped with.  I am in the middle of processing photographs (class pictures- for a school archives).  At one time, the backs of these photographs were glued to large pieces of colored oak tag paper (as a means of classroom display).  Is there some sort of "safe" solution that I can apply to the backs of these photographs in order to get this paper/gluey residue off?   Any suggestions...

Nancy Iannucci