Re: [compost_tea] microbial food

From: <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 10:50:32 EDT

In a message dated 5/16/2003 10:34:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> There has been mentioning before of microbial food for after the tea is
> applied, but
> very limited discussion.
> I would sure like to here from the experience of others.
> Ron

Good point Ron. I used CT on my soil last year and improved it some BUT I
believe (and Elaine also mentioned) long term food resources for the
organisms were not in the soil in sufficient quantity. My OM is less than
1.5% and is not sufficient to feed the herd after innoculation with CT.

This year I am adding foods to my CT just before applying such as HA,
molasses, Saponyn and Kelp. Upon advice of Erik Morgan of Terra Vita I am
using a pound of SP-85 per acre per application of CT, much more than I added
previously. I am adding foods to tea just before topping off sprayer and
spraying. My only concern is if I cause the tea to go anerobic. Of course
I could put the foods on in a separate spray but that is more labor and
passes in vineyard.

I mentioned this issue before but got no response. Hope this does better.
What are experiences with adding organism food and what do you use??

Dan Lynch
Long Mountain Vineyard

Received on Fri May 16 2003 - 11:24:56 EDT

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