RE: [compost_tea] Re: Soak in a Bucket CT NO NO NO

From: Mike Bosko <>
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 15:28:49 -0700

I'm not sure why I'm getting included in these messages as being a
proponent, or even an opponent, of either of these. I use the bucket method
because its what I have, and can afford at the time. I don't add 'food' to
it, so am basically using as another way of spreading my tea. I spray it
into my personal garden (which only I and my family eat), and onto my hay
fields (which is sold to the public and promoted as not having used chem.
Fertilizers). I clean my veggies before eating them, as anyone would do who
buys from the chem growers anyway - why should this be different than with
CT? No one sues the chem. mfgs for their spraying the veggies we buy at
Safeway. WHOOPS got off track.

I see the positive benefits of AACT and the negatives of a tea gone
anaerobic. But never have I promoted either as being the way to go; and I
don't expect to do so. I'm on this list to learn how to use it and make it
myself, for my own use. I'll help promote it in any way I can though,
because I believe in it (aact). And in helping to get public awareness and
then gov approval (ugh), I only strongly suggest getting the public involved
and interested in it first, not going about getting approval via commercial
means from the start - you get far further using the far more majority of
the public (imo). This is why I suggested submitting articles to OG - you
will get a great following from those readers.

But from making these suggestions I'm labeled as a promoter of non-aact, or
anaerobic, teas??? I don't get it. If, for some reason however, in my past
few posts I may have miswrote something to give reason to read me that way .
I'll post here to say - I'm only here to learn. I have input on promoting
it only because I believe in it (aact). But I am in no way experienced or
knowledgeable enough to give any reasons for the good or bad, for either of
the methods. I admit that.



-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Norsen []
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 10:24 PM
Subject: RE: [compost_tea] Re: Soak in a Bucket CT NO NO NO

Mike and Kirk - Your treatment of "Manure in a bucket tea" does not
consider the potential danger to the entire Aerobic compost TEA development.

Scenario - church pot luck serves a great salad. x members subcome to
E-coli. E-Coli takes a kids life and another kids liver. Gardener is
suspect cause. E-coli is taced to "Compost TEA" that was used to water the
lettuce. Is the press going to clearly explain the exact nature of the
compost tea and that it is one kind or another and if they did, would the
publice carry the message to the market place and select AIR BREWED COMPOST
TEA treated produce to buy ? ( ABCT)

Not likely. 10 years of Elaines work is down the tube. My brewers would
never get sold. Good Bye friends of this list. We are history

After your messages I realize the most important thing we must do is fight
like hell to eliminate all use of and association of compost tea from
anarobic liquid products Inspite of mixed results for eons it is a hazard
that needs to go away. Aeration is not expensive. What is called TEA is
on the shelf at reputable nurseries. Sealed in bottles. The high profit
product of a giant municiple composting company. Is there any test data to
prove it has value, is alive and is safe? Further we need to improve
assurance that what is being brewed by all of us and our customers and
farmers are truely aerobic.

If we allow the easy acceptance of hazargous or ineffective products to be
on the market or brewed at home and called by a common name - CT - we risk
the entire program. The better health. The conservation of soil and the
land. The rivers and lakes. The ecology. The improved farms. The
strawberrys, bananas,the oaks and palm trees.

When compost tea includes a broad range of liquids some of which can be
hazardous then the USDA has no choice but to say treat it like raw manure.

And you guys? I guess they would be hiring at Montasanto. From your resume
you could leave out any mention of your work with ABCT. Bob

PS I hope I have worded this in a way to start some useful thought. Kirk
and Mike, you have devoted much to this list. I respect you. I was reading
your messages calmly but thought after.---- Having a common look alike
name and really very similar looking liquid, one of which can be hazardous
is a problem that could take a big bite from every ass in this program.
Government agencies are obligated to eliminate this risk. A broad ban on CT
will reduce our already micro freeboard Wonderful as ABCT is, watching
Elaine and others in this program, I know this is program is still on a
hill, pushing hard, up. Jeff and Wayne have moved Anchorage to the point
that it is locally on a level, well accepted CT is being used and paid
for at true value. It makes the CT business possible. I think there is a
lesson there. Get it right, then In word, PREVAIL Bob

Mike Bosko <> wrote:

Mike recalls "Rodale's Organic Gardening Magazine...always speaking of the
'soak in the bucket' (anaerobic) method." Are you surprised? He thinks
this is bad. I don't.

Hey Kirk, chill.

I dont recall saying anything about it being bad.
 It is anaerobic, is it not? Never said that was bad tho just that it is
what is often preached in the magazine. I believe I said something to the
matter of suggesting someone write an article regarding AACT; The actively
aerated alternative. Adding food to the compost tea, aerating it to help
grow even more anaerobic microbes In my opinion it does seem to be the
better alternative you get more good stuff, from the same bucket.

I read the magazine, and still practice the bucket method, but was excited
to hear about growing even more good stuff in the tea using the AACT
methods. I truly think that the readers of OG would be very interested in
learning about AACT as an alternative to the bucket tea that I had

Did you happen to read further into my message? I question everything. I
try to make a stand for the common guy out here, not wanting to spend a
bunch of cash on making teas, wanting it to researched to make it more
simple and then, in turn, to get it in use more often. That goes for


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