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Full Circle Organic Farm 9/03/97

Your Week's Worth    9/03/97
from Full Circle Organic Farm, Auburn, CA (916) 885-9201 
1 bu  Ruby Swiss Chard  3-5  lb   Big Rainbow or 
1 ea      Armenian cucumber  Radiator Charlie's 
1 lb      Stockton Red  onions    Mortgage Lifter
1 ea  Eggplant, Neon or Listada    
1 lb       Zucchetta Rampicante 1 pt Cherry tomatoes 
2           Sweet peppers - colored,  1 pt   Fern strawberries
1 ea      Armenian cucumber 
1 bu     Italian parsley  1         Mickey Lee watermelon
1 bu   Purple Ruffles basil   or orange Honeydew

Fall Crops Planted and Emerging
  Planted late last week and the week before, these seedlings have pushed
through the soil: beets, spinach, chard, stir-fry, mesclun, mei qing pac
choi, radishes, and carrots.  We should be able to transplant kale, lettuce,
cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli from the greenhouse to the
field this week.  Our potato seed supplier had a bad crop and we're still
trying to locate affordable seed.
  Our second apprentice of the year is gone.  We need to hire someone on
Tuesday and Thursday mornings to help with picking.  This person needs to be
able to spend a lot of time doing toe touches ;-) Whoever it is must be able
to move quickly, be detail oriented, be a nonsmoker, and be reliable.  If you
know of someone fitting this description, please give us a call.  Speaking of
farm work...
 Trellis Party on Sept. 13!  Come at 10AM and help throw string over the
trellis frames so your beans and peas have something to climb up.  Lunch is
at 1PM.  Please let us you're coming so we can plan food.  885-9201 or email