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Re: Gravel tailings for fertilizer? and Hydrogen Peroxide

In a message dated 9/9/98 4:40:24 PM, lkindr@hotmail.com wrote:

<<Did you 
know chickens transmute silicon from quartz sand into calcium? A number 
of biological systems transmute many common elements. It might be a bit 
too slow a process to fertilize organic farms tho. Even seeds transmute 
elements when they sprout. >>

Sorry, I can't let this one go.  The silly statement above is the same kind of
medieval alchemy that purported to "transmute" lead to gold.  One CANNOT
transmute elements like Si and Ca!!!  Other than normal atomic decay (only
heavy elements) ie: uranium to lead, transmutation is a fantasy.  I think the
writer is mistaking metabolic (ie digestion and use of molecules) processes
for "transmutation".  