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Re: questions seeking answers

Hi Olivia, and everyone,

If I had clay and slightly acid water, I would build ponds and raise fish
and plants.  A book like Earth Pond, available from The Mother Earth News
can help get you started.  Clay, with little loam, is ideal for pond
bottoms.  The low pH water can be a blessing for low input aquaculture.
Pond pH tends to rise as a byproduct of algae photosynthesis, and acid
water means that you would flush less water than a farm with neutral pH.

To find people in your area who may know what they are doing, you can try


This is a good list of national aquaculture information centers.  

Good luck,



At 12:06 PM 1/12/99 -0500, James.Olivia wrote:
>hey folks
>just got a couple basic questions very specific to my location. please let
>me know if you have any suggestions. thanks
>*any idea about a more "home-made"  alternative to a $2-3K piece of
>equipment to filter the iron out of well water (for household use)? the
>high-tech solutions offered to me involve ion exchange...i've got 5 ppm iron
>and about a 6.5 pH
>*recommendations on which approach to use for gardening on a tiny plot of
>HARD, rocky clay soil
>a) newspapers and mulch over the soil or straw bale plantings, etc
>b) backbreaking double digging
>c) rototill or some fancier equiptment
>d) ?
FMChambers@csupomona.edu			Agricultural Sciences
Earning an MS in Sustainable Aquaculture at Cal Poly Pomona, I enjoy the
rewards and challenges of living, learning, working, and playing. The
dedicated, hard working team of students, staff, and faculty is the best
part of being involved with the Center for Regenerative Studies  Anyone
*CAN* live a comfortable, modern life, without the big environmental
footprint.  http://www.csupomona.edu/~crs/index.html

The Black Walnut Alliance is one of many campus groups encouraging Cal Poly
to explore environmentally responsible uses of campus green spaces.  Visit
the multi-use website to post your ideas and take a survey at:
