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Re: Interns wanted list

> Sorry for cross-posting.  I saw a post recently that identified a web site
> where farm internships and those seeking them were available.  If anyone
> kept that post, could you forward it to <snsaquasys@townsqr.com>  , Please.
> My sister will very soon need additional help with her herb plant business,
> and I hoped to help locate someone or point her in the right direction.  Not
> much in the way of $ available, but lots of knowledge and experience,
> hands-on learning, free plants and good company (not to mention my mother's
> great cooking every day).
> Thanks
> Paula
> S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  
> 417-256-5124
> Web page  http://www.townsqr.com/snsaqua/

Hi Paula, 

Here is the announcement for the ATTRA Intern List. 
Note:  I'm sending this to the list because I don't think
my email messages get to your computer successfully.

Keep in touch! 
Steve Diver

The annual update to the ATTRA resource list titled 
"Internships, Apprenticeships, Sustainable Curricula" is 
now on-line at <http://www.attra.org/attra-rl/intern.html>.

The ATTRA "Interns" list, as it is commonly known, is a popular 
networking tool for farmers and interns looking to make connections,
and should be especially helpful as people make plans for the upcoming
'99 growing season.  

The December 1998 update is 47 pages long, with 160 entries
describing farms, training centers, and institutes offering 
internships and apprenticeships in organic farming and sustainable
agriculture.  Note:  The web version is a big file, 189K in length, 
about 60 pages in length when printed out. 

In addition, the Internships list provides an interesting 
glimpse into organic and sustainable farming in the United States,
because the entries and farm descriptions were written by the farmers

As an example, there are six entries from farms that participate in
CRAFT (Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training), which is
a collection of twelve farms in the Northeasterns states that offer
fortnightly seminars and farm visitations in addition to on-farm
training received by the apprentices during the work week. 

This is the 11th year ATTRA has circulated the Interns List as a
networking tool.  

Please note:  It is too late to add an entry to the '98-'99 Interns
List. Next year's update will begin in August or September.  The list
is compiled by Katherine Adam, ATTRA Information Specialist. 

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