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GBlist: The EEBA List <<recent meltdown>>

 We are back in business on the "EEBA_L" (one time X-post)
I personally, and EEBA' Director, wish to extend thanks to 
those who helped us isolate and correct the situation with
EEBA's list on energy efficient building.  Unlike the list
operators of GreenBuilding, EEBA had set the list to "reply to
the list," and so when problems with <(_1_)> user arose at 
another server ___CREST had nothing to do with the problems !!!
 ___  KaPOW...... the rest is history.

The configuration of the list is corrected, and people who
ran for the exits may wish to reenter.  You have my personal
assurance that the EEBA_L will be alot more difficult to
crash in the future.

   Warm personal thanks, Bion Howard and Jim Golden, EEBA
Get the file:  message >>  info ee-building (your email address)
                 to:        majordomo@crest.org

--------------- Contact Information------------------
        Mr. Bion D. Howard, Principal          
  Building Environmental Science & Technology   
  P. O. Box 1007, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20773 USA
  bdhoward@ix.netcom.com <--> http://nrg-builder.com
     Voice#  410-867-8000  fax#  301-889-0889
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