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Big City Forest, was Re: GBlist: Wood salvage & reuse

There is an organization in the Bronx, Bronx 2000, that takes discarded
pallets and other waste woods and makes beautiful furniture. Big City
Forest, 1809 Carter Ave, Bronx, NY 10457 (718)731-3931. 

Big City Forest hires unemployed persons, teaches them woodworking skills by
disassembling pallets, and skills in manufacturing nice furniture; then they
try to find these skilled people jobs in the woodworking industry.

I would suggest supporting such efforts with purchases of these furniture

Hope this helps.


At 09:44 AM 5/3/97 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 5/1/97 6:07:15 PM, you wrote:
>I just wanted to throw this out there.  Interested?  Drop me a line and
>we'll send you a copy of our completed case study or any additional
>information that I might be able to provide.  I would also appreciate
>information on any deconstruction-related activities you are aware of.  I
>am helping to craft a national welfare-to-work proposal that might have
>deconstruction as the centerpiece.
>Welcome to the group.  Yes, I'm interested in the work you are doing
>salvaging materials.  I grew up in farm country in upstate New York.  Reuse
>of materials is a way of life in rural areas.  A barn never came down where
>the timbers, siding and steel roofing weren't saved and reused.  My uncle,
>who owned a light construction company saved everything, storing it in an
>abandoned dairy barn.  Because of changes in the way farming is done in rural
>areas, a great deal of culture of reuse has changed.  The details of saving
>materials is not being transmitted from older folks to younger any more.  I
>know a large number of tricks for taking heavy imber and light construction
>framing and finish materials down without damaging them.  Every remodeler has
>their own set of tricks along these lines.  Were you working with the
>remodelers section of NAHB?  It sounds as though you folks are getting
>systematic about this kind of reuse.  I beleive that it is essential that you
>do this.  I would like to help you if I can.  - Terry
>This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by Oikos (www.oikos.com)
>and Environmental Building News (www.ebuild.com). For instructions
>send e-mail to greenbuilding-request@crest.org.
Joseph McCabe, P.E.
Energy Ideas, Owner
(301)530-1473 Phone & Fax
5411 Lincoln St. Bethesda, MD 20817

This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by Oikos (www.oikos.com)
and Environmental Building News (www.ebuild.com). For instructions
send e-mail to greenbuilding-request@crest.org.