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Re: Gulls as Predators

At 12:36 PM 4/1/01 -0400, MDWitzell@aol.com wrote:
>Some time ago there were a number of postings to the listserv on the subject
>of gulls as predators.  As I recall these all involved gulls attacking
>waterfowl in the water, and in one case, an owl sitting on an ice floe.
>Yesterday I observed a lone Ring-billed Gull pursuing a Kingfisher, which was
>frantically trying to evade it.  Fortunately, it was able to reach the safety
>of a tree and the gull veered off.  Has anyone else observed gulls pursuing
>landbirds on the wing?  Does anyone have any idea of how a gull would be able
>to successfully capture a landbird in flight, since it lacks the talons of a
>bird of prey?

Gulls can cause great damage with just their bills.  They have been seen 
eating/tearing up various creatures that seemingly could defend 
themselves.  Gulls often catch tired migrant birds that seem too large for 
them to eat.  Such things as rodents aren't safe either.  They are 
opportunistic, aggressive predators, and will chase their prey to exhaustion.

Jack Dozier
Alligator Pt., FL