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Swallows / Night Heron

My husband Chester and I birded Miller Park in Winston-Salem on Saturday
morning, 3/31 and found a male Yellow-crowned Night Heron near Shelter
No. 2, in the same territory that a pair has nested for the last several
years.  On Sunday morning we returned and witnessed him fishing in the
nearby stream, then flying from pine to pine displaying.  Quite a show.

On Sunday afternoon we drove to Salem Lake, which was alive with
swallows.  We are not competent with this species but I looked in the
venerable "Birds of the Carolinas" and this description fits what we
saw:  "A large migrating flock of mixed species may number several
hundred birds . . . ."  Everywhere we turned our binoculars we saw
swallows - we're fairly confident we saw Barn, Tree, Cliff &
Rough-winged.  Again, quite a spectacle!

Ann Robertson
Winston-Salem, NC