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Upper Little Creek Impoundment

This morning several of my coworkers and I went on a birding expedition to the Upper Little Creek Impoundment on Highway 54 just outside of Chapel Hill.  We had a very good morning and saw the following:
Yellow-troated warbler*
Prothonotary warblers (2 males in a territorial dispute)*
Black-throated blue warbler *
Yellow warbler *
Yellow-crowned nightherons, 2
Double crested cormorant, 1 flying over
Great blue herons, 1 perched atop a dead tree
Green-backed heron
Canada geese
Common grackles
Mourning dove
American crows
European starlings
Black-capped chickadees
Northern cardinals
Tufted timouse
Indigo buntings
American goldfinches
Red-bellied woodpecker
Red-headed woodpeckers
Barn swallows
Tree swallows
Chimney swifts
Red-winged blackbird
Blue-gray gnatcatcher
Great-crested flycatcher*
* seen near the "pond"

Lisa Dailey
Durham NC