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Re: NHAS trip to Raleigh lakes, duck inquiry

Hi Patrick (and other interested parties)-
As is often the case in late January, the local duck population has begun
to disperse.  We usually peak the first or second week in December with
rafts of several hundred ducks at the better spots.  For whatever reason
the numbers tend to drop off beginning around New Years Day.  Nonetheless,
the same diversity can often be found even though the current number of
ducks is less than spectacular.  I took my semi- occasional swing through
the area Sunday and noted the following:

West Lake Pond (upper)- 2 wigeon, 2 Ring-neck, 6 Bufflehead (no Canvasback
or Tundra Swan since the first week in January)
West Lake Pond (lower)- 8 Ring-neck, 5 hoodie
1010 Pond- 23 Ring-neck, 6 wigeon, 6 hoodie, 2 Mallard
Yates Mill Pond- empty
NCSU Dairy (restricted access) - 18 shoveler, 12 Lesser Scaup, 10
Bufflehead, 2 Ring-neck
NCSU Dairy (off Mid-Pines Rd, viewing from road shoulder allowable)- 2
scaup sp., 6 Ring-neck, 8 hoodie

Canvasback- might still find a few at Lake Johnson, could always come back
to West Lake.
Wood Duck- Many, many around, but usually not on the ponds.  Quite a few
seen flying around at dusk.  Sometimes a few semi-tame birds at Lake

Missing this year: Gadwall, Green-wing Teal

Steve Shultz
Apex, NC

Patrick Coin <patrick@coinconsult.net>@acpub.duke.edu on 01/21/2002
11:53:11 PM

Sent by:  carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu

To:   carolinabirds@duke.edu
cc:   nhasboard@newhopeaudubon.org
Subject:  NHAS trip to Raleigh lakes, duck inquiry

New Hope Audubon Society (NHAS) invites all interested Triangle
birders, members of NHAS or not, to a field trip on Saturday, January
26, 2002, 8:30 a.m.--Waterfowl of Raleigh Lakes. We'll carpool to
waterfowl hot spots in Raleigh. Highlights may include Canvasback and
other bay ducks, uncommon in our area. This is a lengthy trip with
return in early to mid-afternoon. Meet at the shopping center parking
lot in front of the Mardis Gras Bowling Lanes (behind the Hardee's)
at the intersection of highway 54, Farrington, and Interstate 40,
east of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Bring binoculars and spotting
scopes if you have them, and also a thermos of hot drinks and a snack
if desired. No sign-up required, but contact field trip chair Patrick
Coin (patrick@coinconsult.net) if you need any more information. Note
change in date to January 26.

I would also like to take this opportunity to inquire of Carolina
Birds members of the latest sightings of waterfowl in the Raleigh
area. (I don't get over to Wake County often.) Please let me know of
any unusual (or usual even!) aggregations of ducks in the area. We
are particularly interested in bay ducks, such as Ring-necked and
Canvasback. Please drop a note to patrick@coinconsult.net.

Many thanks, and please do join us on this coming Saturday. As
always, watch our web site for updates and future field trips.


Patrick Coin (patrick@coinconsult.net)
web master , field trip chair
New Hope Audubon Society
P.O. Box 2693
Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2693