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Bachman's Sparrow near Havelock, NC

This morning I heard a singing Bachman's Sparrow
just S of Havelock NC, in southern Craven County,
in the Croatan National Forest.

Just off the Lake Road, near the end of FSR 3085.

First time I've had the species in this immediate area,
although Bachman's were said to be common here--
i.e. the open pinewoods between Havelock and
Lake Ellis--in 1929 (when fires would have been more

Unfortunately, the bird is on a site that is part of over
1000 acres that the Forest Service proposes to trade
to NCDOT (in order to acquire a wetland mitigation
bank that is already protected by law).  DOT reportedly
will sell the 1000+ acres to development interests!

John Fussell
Morehead City, NC

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