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Warblers; new book question; Max Patch?

While tending to feeders this AM, with a light breeze, and the air saturated 
with pollen, a hazy yellow, heard an Ovenbird and a N. Parula.

Last Sun. heard a Bue-headed Vireo, too.

Recently received the spring ABA catalogue and noticed a fairly new sparrow 
book that is a companion book to the James Rising "Sparrows of the US and 
Canada", it's a photographic guide,  2,001 publishing date.  Was wondering if 
anyone has seen this book and has any comments on it. 

Lastly, I'm thinking about possibly attending the Spring CBC meeting and 
can't figure out  exactly where Max Patch is, the trip to see Golden-winged 
Warblers, etc.  It's not in the Marcus Simpson book, as far as I can tell, 
and I can't find it in my De Lorme.  Just wondering...

Thanks in advance,
Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
North Chatham County, NC