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Re: April 1 chimney swifts

Ginger and other C'birders:

While enjoying the glorious morning here in Columbia (Irmo) I found my
first Chimney Swifts of the season, a group of four or five circling
around and moving on!  

Dozens of American Goldfinches have been serenading us from high up in
the trees for the past week.  There were Pine Siskins with them, though
I haven't heard any the past few days.  Only a few Goldfinches at a time
come to the feeders, so I seem to have put on reserve way too much 
Thistle Seed at the local Wild Birds shop.  The finches were cleaning
me out a month ago!

A pair of Red-Shouldered Hawks has been very noisy and active in the
neighborhood.  Perhaps they are a mating pair?

Jerry Griggs    j@sc.edu
Columbia, SC