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Re: RTH chasing a pine warbler

Kate F. wrote:

>Yes, here at Miles Branch we saw our first hummer
>buzzing and chasing a pine warbler high in the
>treetops. Testosterone gone berserk?

well that ain't nothin'! -- I once saw a hummer chase a
Red-tailed Hawk across one of the hwy 54 impoundments.
Reminds me of also once watching a Brown-headed Nuthatch chase
a Pileated off a foraging stump. Hooooray for li'l guys!! ;-)

also, saw my first apt. hummer this morning; and on a different note,
today's USA Today has another good-sized article on the La.
Ivory-bill search, though mostly just re-hash of previous material.

**Rob Gluck......Chapel Hill...... thrush@hotmail.com

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