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Bobwhite Quail and CURE

No need to give another quail habitat prescription as Clyde Sorenson did a
marvelous job. I for one hope very much that the CURE program is a MAJOR
success as all bird species inhabiting early successional habitats stand to
benefit. Growing up in Wilkes County, I never saw a Yellow-breasted Chat
until 2 years ago while birding what was a 120 acre cornfield about 6-8
years ago. Other species I saw there included Indigo Bunting, Prairie
Warbler, Willow Flycatcher, and Common Yellowthroat. I might also add that
while hawking this particular piece of property in the fall, I saw several
Woodcock over a 2-year period. Hopefully others will be able to enjoy the
fruits of the labor of Wildlife Commission biologists and landowners who
choose to pay the price for conservation by allowing some portion of their
property to be managed for quail rather than for growing crops. It is great
to see that the Wildlife Commission is taking a constructive approach to the
"quail problem". Now if Quail Unlimited will whole-heartedly support this
habitat restoration effort rather than continuing to bark about predators,
perhaps something good will come of it.

Eric Harrold
Charlotte, NC