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MBSP on 4-23

Hi Carolinabirders,
Today I went to Myrtle Beach S.P., Myrtle Beach, Horry County, SC to do
some birding and butterflying. I arrived at 7:10 and left at 11:55AM.
It was cloudy till about 10:30 then becoming sunny and it was a bit
windy the whole time. 46 species
Common Loon-1 north of the pier
Double-crested Cormorant-4 a group flyby over the pier
Great Blue Heron-1 overhead by the pond
Great Egret-1 overhead by the pond
Green Heron-1
Mallard-2 overhead
Laughing Gull-4
Ring-billed Gull-11
Rock Dove-25
Mourning Dove-20
Yellow-billed Cuckoo-3
Red-bellied Woodpecker-4
Downy Woodpecker-1 female
Great Crested Flycatcherj-6
E. Kingbird-2
Tree Swallow-1
Barn Swallow-5
Blue Jay-5
Am. Crow-1
Fish Crow-3
Carolina Chickadee-8
Tufted Titmouse-6
White-breasted Nuthatch-2
Carolina Wren-3
Am. Robin-2
I heard a distant spotted Thrush sing, not wood, or Veery but could have
been one of the others.
Gray Catbird-2
N. Mockingbird-4
Brown Thrasher-5
Cedar Waxwing-3
Red-eyed Vireo-4 heard only
N. Parula-2 heard only
Yellow-rumped Warbler-numerous and singing robustly
Yellow-throated Warbler-3
Pine Warbler-1
Common Yellowthroat-2
Hooded Warbler-1 heard only
Summer Tanager-2 heard singing
N. Cardinal-9
Blue Grosbeak-a pair in a willow
E. Towhee-2
White-throated Sparrow-2 heard singing
Red-winged Blackbird-30 all females
Common Grackle-4
Brown-headed Cowbird-12 I'm sure the park's breeding passerines get
hammered by this species. We've got to make this species a game bird.
Don't the Italians have a recipe for a sparrow stew?  Maybe we can adapt
it for cowbird stew.  I know Gary, first you start with a roux.
Orchard Oriole-1 singing
House Finch-4

Good birding,
Jack Peachey
Conway, SC