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Re: more from Bob

On Fri, 10 May 2002, Brian Murphy wrote:
> Because I have plans to use more pasture for an expanding garden, can
> someone please point me toward native plants I can add to compensate for
> reducing the bobwhite habitat?

Hi Carolinabirders,

NC State put out a multipage website a few years back called "Working with
Wildlife". It includes a page on Bobwhite Quail, with a list of "common
quail foods". I have to warn Brian and others that a couple of these
plants are, yes, you guessed it, invasive exotics! It recommends Lespedeza
and Paspalum, multiple species of each of which are ecological menaces.
While there are native species of both (like Lespedeza virginica and
Paspalum floridanum), choose plants in these genera *VERY* carefully,
commercial outlets will probably be selling Asian or European species. The
rest of the list looks fine to my knowledge, consisting either of native
species (Beggarweed, Patridge Pea, Ragweed) or agricultural crops that
can't survive without active cultivation (corn, soybeans).

Down at the bottom of each page is a list of links to all pages in the
site, including pages on Hummingbirds and Butterflies, Owls, Wood Ducks,
Wild Turkey, Songbirds, nest boxes, Mourning Doves, even Ruffed Grouse.
Also non-bird pages that will doubtless interest some folks on here, like
Bats, and Pools for Amphibians. These other pages, of course, also suggest
some invasive exotic plant species, like Mimosa and Japanese Wisteria, and
some plant common names that might refer to either native or exotic
species, such as Hawthorn and Honeysuckle. Before planting any particular
species from this website, make sure it isn't on the lists of plants to
avoid in the southeastern US:

That having been said, the Bobwhite page of "Working with Wildlife" is at

Good birding,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
