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RE: bird families

>Young [American] crows may live with their parents for up to four years, 
>helping with territorial defense, nest-building, and feeding of later 
>broods. It is also not unusual for the first brood raised by a pair of 
>bluebirds to help with feeding the second brood. In one amazing
>a male bluebird that was nesting a mile from his parents brought his own 
>offspring to assist in rearing one of his parents' later broods.
>Wow! Really cool. I would love to hear from others on this topic.

Hi Leah,

Good info about the Crows & Bluebirds, thanks for sharing.  Have you checked
out the Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior?  Great book, a lot of info
similar to the type you're looking for.  One that comes to mind is the
Brown-Headed Nuthatch, the one year old males help the parents build new
nests and get ready for more young.  I'll have to re-read that to be sure,
but that's what I think it says.  

Very interesting topic though, I'd love to learn more about it also.

Take care, Craig Armstrong / Chapel Hill