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Re: Phoebes

Thanks for the information Leah.  I'll keep an eye out for another brood.
Each brood had 3 fledglings.

Could anyone else out there help with my temporary nest removal question?


Randy Dunson
Hillsborough  NC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Leah Campbell" <faeriemaiden@hotmail.com>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2002 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: Phoebes

> >The second set of hatchlings flew the coop this week.  I don't think
> >noticed two sets of young in one year before.  Thus my first >question.
> >What are the breeding habits of the eastern phoebe?  Should >I expect any
> >further mating activity this year?
> I have had eastern phoebes nesting under our eaves since we built the
> in 1990. I was 12 at the time and didn't start observing them seriously
> until the past several years. They typically nest on the gutter pipes, but
> have been known to nest on lamp fixtures (even the one by the front door!)
> We almost always have two broods. According to the Audubon Backyard
> Birdwatcher book, there may be up to three, and the typical breeding
> is April thru June. Our second brood fledged June 22. (First brood, 4 out
> 5 hatched and fledged; Second, 4 out of 4 hatched and fledged). I am
> to see if there will be a third.
> >The reason I ask is that we plan to have the house painted this Summer
> >very early Fall and do not want to disrupt their nest; this leads >to the
> >next question.  When it is 'safe' to paint, how should we >temporarily
> >remove the nest while painters are in that area?
> >Thanks.
> I would rather someone with more knowledge/experience answer this
> Nevertheless, I will share my experience. Last year I took down a nest
> the first brood fledged;  they nested by the front door (very messy!). I
> used bird netting to keep them from rebuilding there and put up a nest
> on the back of the house, where they did rebuild for their second brood.
> This year they used the same shelf. (A pair of carolina wrens used another
> shelf I put up.)
> Hope this helps a little!
> Leah Campbell     3/4/78
> Blackstock, SC
> leahcam@lycos.com
> faeriemaiden@hotmail.com
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