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molt terminology

Leah Campbell wrote:
> p.s. Does anyone know of a good online glossary of bird terminology?

With just a little Googling I found quite a nice discussion of molt
terminology at http://www.ofo.ca/plumages.htm and a glossary of some
other anatomical terms at
http://www.zoo.ufl.edu/dlevey/avianbio/Lab/ExtAnat.htm and also a nice
chart at http://www.nabanding.net/nabanding/MOLT_and_AGEING.pdf

Speaking of Carolina birds, I just saw an (choosing my words carefully)
immature Red-shouldered Hawk in my yard, the first non-adult I've seen
in a while.  I'm guessing it was a HY although I suppose it's still too
early to rule out SY.  Last year's episode of a family of fledglings
taking up residence for several days wasn't repeated this year, although
there has been an above average amount of Red-shoulder vocalization in
the area for the past several days.

Kent Fiala
near Chapel Hill, NC