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Caw Caw Interpretive Center Bird Walk

I thought some of you might be interested in hearing the observations from the first official Saturday bird walk at the new Caw Caw Interpretive Center off Hwy 17 in Ravenel, South Carolina.  The weather was rather cold and we missed some of the everyday waders by conveniently skipping the cross dikes where the wind was harsh.  Maybe the weather will be better this weekend. 
Here is the day list:
Wood Duck 1
Green-winged Teal 13
Hooded Merganser 1
Black Vulture 1
Turkey Vulture 5
Bald Eagle 2, 1 adult and 1 juvenile
Red-shouldered Hawk 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Common Snipe 1
Barred Owl 1, who cooperated very nicely in the scope.
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers 5
Pileated Woodpecker 2
Northern Flicker 2
Eastern Phoebe 3
American Crow #
Tufted Titmouse 25
Carolina Wren 2
House Wren 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 15
Hermit Thrush 1
American Robin 60
White-eyed Vireo 1
Yellow-rumped Warblers #
Pine Warbler 1
Common Yellowthroat 1
Northern Cardinal 5
Savannah Sparrow 1
Fox Sparrow 1
Song Sparrow 10
White-throated Sparrow 10
Red-winged Blackbird #
Common Grackle 5
American Goldfinch 6
Northern Mockingbird 1
Carolina Chickadee 8
Some others of note that were seen during the week but not on Saturday:
Brown Creeper, Sedge Wren, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Eastern Bluebird, Blue-headed Vireo (Solitary), Orange-crowned Warbler, Black and White Warbler, and Rusty Blackbird.
Allen Russell
Charleston, SC.