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Watauga Birds

Hi all,

This week has produced the first singing Brown Thrasher on the 16th,
Ring-billed Gulls at Wal-Mart in Boone on Thursday as well as the first
Osprey of the season at Price Lake.  The lake also had about 20 scaup sp.
and several Pied-billed Grebe.  Snipe are widespread including the New
River, Bass Lake, and the Castleford area of the county.  Evening Grosbeaks
continue at Walton Conway's and good numbers of Siskin's are everywhere
especially at Robin Diaz's.  I saw a nice flock of Purple Finch feeding on
maple buds with about four singing males on Wednesday in the Price Park
vicinity.  it is nice to hear their song.  Also turkey are strutting their
stuff all over now.  The BRP just south of Hwy 321 is a good spot to see

In reply to James Coman's post on Herring Gulls at New River State Park:
March 15 thru 25th is gull time in our area with most sightings of gulls
over the last twenty years in that time period.  There are no records for
Herring Gulls for Watauga County but there are for Wilkes at the Kerr Scott
Reservoir and numerous records from South Holston and Watauga Lakes just
west of Ashe County in East TN.  So it is very possible.  Most of our gull
records are also for adults.  We seem to lack the preponderance of juveniles
you see at the coast.