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Re: directions to stechoa (sp?) gap

I also would like a reliable Golden Wing site near Asheville, as I have
never seen either them, or Blue Wing. (Not to mention, Swainsons,
Blackburnian, Canada, Magnolia, and the list goes on.) Pretty sad for 30+
years of birding.

On Mon, 1 May 2000 10:05:48 -0400 Len/Esther Pardue
<eljeep@mindspring.com> writes:
> Wonder if a kind soul would (re)post directions to Stechoa Gap.  I 
> thought
> I had 'em, but they've disappeared.  Also, if anyone knows of a 
> reliable,
> accessible Golden-winged Warbler site closer to Asheville than SG, 
> I'd
> welcome that information, too.
> thanks.
> Len Pardue, Asheville, NC

Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist
Asheville, NC
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