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Re: Yard and feeders, Pine Siskin.....

I still have a few pine siskins trying to get past the
multitudes of goldfinches to the feeders. Bluebirds
feeding babies,but bees took over the chickadee nest
just like last year.It was even in a different nest
box! Any suggestions? I did not feel right putting a
no-pest strip inside the house. We left the door open
so hopefully they will leave and another nesting can
happen. I bought the pyrethrin spray for caged birds.
would that even work?
The hoodeds,parulas, ovenbirds and wood thrushes are
filling up the morning with their music.
Have seen only one male indigo in the yard so far.

--- Psbmt@aol.com wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
>      Had 3 Indigo Buntings show up last Friday 4/28
> under feeders.
>      Noticed one Pine Siskin on the thistle feeder
> on Sat. 4/29.  Also had a 
> Broad-winged Hawk calling and circling, quite low at
> times, in fact think it 
> was perched in the yard for a time first.  
>      On Sun. 4/30 had a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak
> on the Droll Yankee 
> sunflower tube feeder.  Also heard a N. Parula which
> I could never find, but 
> is a new yard bird.   While at the mailboxes at the
> front of our road, about 
> a mile from our yard, heard a Prairie Warbler, then
> saw it, singing away.  
> Can't exactly call it a new yard bird, but I am glad
> I forgot to pick up the 
> mail on Sat.!
> Shelley Theye
> N. Chatham County, NC
> Psbmt@aol.com   

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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