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Painted Bunting at Saluda Shoals

Due to the thunderstorms that moved through the Columbia, SC, area last
night, I was hoping for even more migrants than I actually found this
morning at Saluda Shoals Park.  There were some nice birds,
nonetheless, especially a bright male Painted Bunting.  It was singing in 
the same area where they have been seen the past few years, where the trail 
along the river crosses under the power lines.  In fact, I walked directly 
under the bird as it sang from a wire.

Other highlights:

Veery		(sitting on the trail along the river)
Catbird		(high numbers--I counted 8 of them)
9 Warbler Species, including 2 Worm-Eating
Scarlet Tanager (2 males spotted; another heard singing)
Indigo Bunting (bright male, singing under same power lines farther up the
		hill, nice to compare to Painted Bunting)

Jerry Griggs    j@sc.edu
Columbia, SC