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More mountain birds

It is remarkable how different the birds are each day.  This is a
list of our better (extended) yard birds this AM:

Worm Eating W. (2)
Hooded Warbler
Cape May W.
Pine W.
Blackpoll W. (4 or more)
Blue-headed Vireo (2)
Pine Siskin (3-4) only occasionally at our feeders

House Wren - we were awakened by this one apparently because he has
found a box to live in and was ready to move in.  The Mrs. was not
quite ready as of noon.

As a follow up to my question a few months ago on woodpecker
territoriality, I got to see a Flicker problem this morning.  A
squirrel as moved in to a nice big hole in a tree, (just next door to
a Piliated nest hole) and the birds are pretty upset about it.  At
least one of them is constantly pecking at the bark of the tree and
working its way up to the hole and checking to see if it is open.
The squirrel says no and  they yell for awhile and start over.  I
will build a box for them this afternoon to see if it will help.  We
have finally seen all the woodpeckers except Red-bellied and Red
Headed in our yard/neighborhood.  The area at the ridge of the hill
we live on seems to have more open woods than our yard which is more

Tim Lewis, Weaverville, NC