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Bird of the day

I thought I had achieved my bird of the day early this morning in 
southeastern Cumberland County when a Common Yellowthroat emerged from the 
thickets.  However, this afternoon my first Black throated Blue appeared in 
the flowers of the tall Tulip Poplars behind my home in Fayetteville. 
 Exactly on time and not unexpected, but still rare enough for my bird of 
the day, so I thought.  Content with my list which also included 
Prothonotary, Indigo, GC Flycatcher, Acadian, WE and RE Vireo, Ovenbird, 
Eastern Kingbird, Barn Swallow, E Meadowlark, Wood Thrush, and BG 
Gnatcatcher, I was putting away the binocs when a glimpse of orange caught 
my eye in a dogwood 30 feet away.  My bird of the day is BALTIMORE ORIOLE. 

William J. Warfel