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Re: More mountain birds

I have never seenan adult Red Headed in the mts, but have (this year)
seen Red Bellies.

On Wed, 3 May 2000 13:22:20 -0400 "Tim Lewis"
<tlewis@buncombe.main.nc.us> writes:
> It is remarkable how different the birds are each day.  This is a
> list of our better (extended) yard birds this AM:
> Worm Eating W. (2)
> Hooded Warbler
> Cape May W.
> Pine W.
> Blackpoll W. (4 or more)
> Blue-headed Vireo (2)
> Pine Siskin (3-4) only occasionally at our feeders
> House Wren - we were awakened by this one apparently because he has
> found a box to live in and was ready to move in.  The Mrs. was not
> quite ready as of noon.
> As a follow up to my question a few months ago on woodpecker
> territoriality, I got to see a Flicker problem this morning.  A
> squirrel as moved in to a nice big hole in a tree, (just next door 
> to
> a Piliated nest hole) and the birds are pretty upset about it.  At
> least one of them is constantly pecking at the bark of the tree and
> working its way up to the hole and checking to see if it is open.
> The squirrel says no and  they yell for awhile and start over.  I
> will build a box for them this afternoon to see if it will help.  We
> have finally seen all the woodpeckers except Red-bellied and Red
> Headed in our yard/neighborhood.  The area at the ridge of the hill
> we live on seems to have more open woods than our yard which is more
> dense.
> Tim Lewis, Weaverville, NC
> TLewis@buncombe.nc.us

Alex Netherton
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