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Hi folks;
I have been awfully busy lately, and have had no chance for birding, except
for one curiosity. I have worked at the Franklin Wal-Mart the last two
weeks, and a pair of Song Sparrows have built a nest in the potted plants on
display in the gardden center where I work. Week before last, there were 4
eggs in the nest, but last Tuesday there were 2 pink babies in the nest! The
curious thing is how much they grew in a few days. The two chicks had almost
filled  the nest on Friday, had changed to a grey color, and had developed
primaries!! I go back tomorrow, and will be curious to see how much they
have grown..... if the feral cats haven't gotten them.
The parents looked very scruffy; I thought they were fledgelings themselves
due to the overall scruffiness, but I guess that child rearing can do that.
Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist