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signing off

Dear Carolinabirders,

It is time for me to return to home, it has been long since I last saw
my family. It has been great summer birding for me with 19 lifebirds,
and around 145 species observed in the past 3 months, all in NC. I would
like to thank all the birders who helped me here, especially Jim Martin,
Ramona Snavely, Barbara Kendrick, Doug DeNeve, and Wayne Forsythe for
their help and advice.

Recent interesting sightings from Reynolda Gardens, W-S

9/9 Tennessee Warbler 1, Canada Warbler 1, Blackburnian Warbler 2,
White-eyed Vireo 2imm, Yellow-throated Vireo 1, Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1

9/10 Blue-winged Warbler 1imm, Red-headed Woodpecker 1ad, Scarlet
Tanager 1, Baltimore Oriole 2

9/13 Blue-winged Warbler 1, Magnolia Warbler 2, Warbling Vireo 1

 my Top Ten of memorable sightings, Summer 2000, NC

1. Roseate Tern Cape Hatteras Point, 8/6
2. Brewster's Warbler W-S, Reynolda Gardens 8/16
3. Clay-colored Sparrow W-S, Reynolda Gardens 8/26
4. Golden-winged Warbler W-S, Reynolda Gardens 8/22
5. Greater Shearwater chasing bait, Brian Patteson Pelagic, 8/5
6. Manx Shearwater found among Audubon's Shearwaters, Brian Patteson
Pelagic 8/5
7. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher pair, Monroe 7/2
8. Otters and Beavers, W-S, Bethabara Park 9/07
9. Pomarine Jaeger -Brian Patteson Pelagics 8/05
10. Stilt Sandpipers- Pea Island 8/04

Hungary is also a good place to visit if you are loking for some scarcer
european birds such as: Saker Falcon, Imperial Eagle, White-tailed
Eagle, Red-footed Falcon, Great Bustard, Roller, Hoopoe, Red-backed
Shrike, Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank, European Avocet, White and Black
Stork, Spoonbill and so much more. On migration, shorebirds that are
well appreciated here can number in the thousands like Ruffs and reeve,
also Temmink's and Little Stints are common

the website below can give you some impressions on the national parks of
Hungary, and there are several companies now who guide foreign groups in
Hungary, and also to Romania - the Danube delta may be the best birding
spot in whole Europe.


I will be happy to assist anybody preparing for a Hungarian adventure,
from next Monday I will be available at my email


thanks again


Ferenc Domoki
University of Szeged
Department of Physiology
Dom ter 10