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Re: NAMC-Georgetown Cty, SC-9-16

The crows and blackbirds were flocking over the Pawleys marsh south causeway.  A
flock of at least 50 skimmers observed fishing at north end of Pawleys beach at very
low tide at sunset Wed.

Jack Peachey wrote:

> Hi Carolinabirders,
>         Eight birders participated in the NAMC count for Georgetown County, SC.
> There were in effect three parties: at Huntington Beach S.P. were Gary
> Phillips and myself with part time help from Paul Rogers, Renee Lamm and
> Murray Honick; at South Litchfield were Bob and Barbara Maxwell and working
> solo in western parts of the county, the Plantersville Area, a Georgetown
> city park and the ferry terminal to South Island was David Donmoyer. David
> aptly described the weather for all parties as "perfecto" moderate breezes
> from the north and pleasant dry temperatures.  The results bore out the
> excellent conditions -114 species.
>         Anecdotal highlights were frequent. Gary Phillips standing in my doorway
> in Conway before dawn with a first year female Prairie Warbler in hand.  He
> had just picked it up. The warbler was confused as to how to get out of the
> alcove area of the house front entrance.  David graphicly described how he
> observed the Louisiana Waterthrush directly overhead, "It pooped on my
> hat". Bob Maxwell said he couldn't believe the number of ground doves in
> the fast disappearing dune habitat in S. Litchfield. And I guess the
> highlight for Gary and I were  the warblers hiding in a cedar in the dunes
> behind the jetty pond: 4 Palm Warblers, 1 Common Yellowthroat, 1 yellow
> Warbler and a possible Kentucky Warbler.
>         Hits and misses were: only one duck which was unidentifiable to species,
> no eagle at Huntington, the small numbers of shorebirds at Huntington and
> the three Rock Doves flying by the causeway were certainly not a common
> sight, the good numbers of hummers at Huntington, the Swainson's Thrush
> just across the road from the fee booth at Huntington, the 13 species of
> warbler found in the county  with only one pine warbler being found. And
> where did all the Crows and blackbirds go!
>         The numbers after the species are in order HBSP-S.Litchfield-southern and
> western Georgetown County.
> Pied-billed Grebe-3-0-0
> Brown Pelican-3-0-0 very low
> Double-crested Cormorant-131-71-0 most in overhead migrating flocks
> Anhinga-0-0-3
> Great Blue Heron-3-0-0
> Great Egret-11-6-8
> Snowy Egret-14-0-0
> Little Blue Heron-1-0-1
> Tricolored Heron-8-0-0
> Green Heron-0-1-0 Where did they go? I guess that's why its a migration count
> Black-crowned Hight-Heron-1-0-0
> White Ibis-54-36-0
> Glossy Ibis-1-0-0
> Wood Stork-19-0-0
> Duck sp-1-0-0 I just caught a glimpse of a duck landing in the cattails.
> Turkey Vulture-1-0-6 No Black Vulture.For some reason they are scarse on
> both the Spring and Fall counts here.
> Osprey-8-7-0
> Bald Eagle 0-0-1 adult at the South Island ferry terminal
> N. Harrier-1-0-0
> Sharp-shinned Hawk-0-0-1 It captured and dispatched a young redwing right
> in front of David. I hope David counted the Red-wing.
> Cooper's Hawk-1-0-0 Murray and Renee had this one and a merlin and kestrel
> being mobbed by jays.
> Red-shouldered Hawk-0-0-2
> Red-tailed Hawk-0-0-2
> Buteo sp-0-1-0
> Am. Kestrel-1-0-2
> Merlin-1-0-0
> Wild Turkey-0-0-5
> N. Bobwhite-0-0-10
> Clapper Rail-4-2-0
> Common Moorhen-1-0-0
> Black-bellied Plover-19-9-0
> Semipalmated Plover-7-0-0 low number
> Piping Plover-10-0-0 Piping outnumbered Semipals-amazing
> Killdeer-0-1-3
> Am. Oystercatcher-6-0-0
> Greater Yellowlegs-2-0-0
> Lesser Yellowlegs-1-0-0
> Willet-5-1-0 low
> Spotted Sandpiper-1-0-0 low
> Marbled Godwit-1-0-0 while standing on the jetty this one passed Gary and I
> Ruddy Turnstone-13-0-0
> Sanderling-26-18-0
> Least Sandpiper-2-0-0
> peep sp-4-0-0 such a small number of these black legged guys. Just couldn't
> find a prime looking western
> Short-billed Dowitcher-4-0-0 a really low number-I guess the cold front
> blew them through and out.
> Laughing Gull-8-7-0 low
> Ring-billed Gull-9-5-25
> Herring Gull-2-0-0 low
> Caspian Tern-3-18-0
> Royal Tern-7-1-3 low
> Sandwich Tern-1-5-0
> Common Tern-1-0-0 flying an obvious immature mid-size Tern showing a strong
> carpal bar
> Forster's Tern-2-0-0
> Black Skimmer-4-0-0
> Rock Dove-3-0-0
> Mourning Dove-8-16-20
> Common Ground-Dove-1-36-0 a very high number
> Yellow-billed Cuckoo-1-0-0
> E. Screech Owl-0-0-3 heard by David at dawn near his farm in W. Georgetown
> Cty.
> Barred Owl-0-0-2
> Whip-poor-will-0-0-1 Where did the Chimney Swifts go?
> Ruby-throated-Hummingbird-1-1-0
> Archilochus sp-4-0-0 These guys never perched where Gary and I could study
> them
> Belted Kingfisher-1-1-1
> Red-headed Woodpecker-0-0-1
> Red-bellied Woodpecker-3-0-5
> Downy Woodpecker-2-0-6
> Hairy Woodpecker-0-0-1
> N. Flicker-0-0-1
> Pileated Woodpecker-0-0-2
> E. Phoebe-0-0-1
> E. Kingbird-4-0-0
> Purple Martin-24-0-0
> Tree Swallow-40-300-0
> N. Rough-winged Swallow-1-0-0 Murray and Renee found this one and the
> following bird in with a flock or Trees and Barns.
> Bank Swallow-1-0-0
> Barn Swallow-20-0-0
> Blue Jay-18-2-10
> Am. Crow-0-0-25
> Fish Crow-2-0-0
> Crow sp.-1-0-0
> Carolina Chickadee-3-0-15
> Tufted Titmouse-3-0-15
> White-breasted Nuthatch-0-0-2
> Carolina Wren-1-0-4
> House Wren-1-0-1
> Ruby-crowned Kinglet-1-0-0 a surprise to me a bit on the early side
> Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-2-0-2
> E. Bluebird-0-0-20
> Swainson's Thrush-1-0-0 one of our first birds, a county bird for me and a
> lifer for Gary.
> Gray Catbird-3-0-0
> N. Mockingbird-7-12-5
> Brown Thrasher-5-0-2
> Loggerhead Shrike-1-0-0 Paul's find at the north parking lot at HB
> European Starling 8-14-10
> White-eyed Vireo-16-0-4
> Blue-headed Vireo-2-0-0
> Red-eyed Vireo-3-0-1 So few!
> Orange-crowned Warbler-0-0-2 together in Morgan Park in Georgetown. Early
> Yellow Warbler-3-0-0
> Magnolia Warbler-2-0-0
> Black-throated Green Warbler-1-0-0 a good find by Murray and Renee
> Pine Warbler-0-0-1 We didn't see or hear one a Huntington!
> Prairie Warbler-0-0-1
> Palm Warbler-13-2-0 The birds at Huntington were in the low vegetation
> behind the jetty pond.  We hoped to have some Savannahs here but only Palms
> Black and White Warbler-1-0-0 seems low
> Am. Redstart-7-0-8
> N. Waterthrush-1-0-0 I heard it & Gary had a good look
> L. Waterthrush-0-0-1 The bird that decorated David's hat.  I really don't
> think David should wash the hat.
> Common Yellowthroat-6-0-3
> Hooded Warbler-1-0-0 a nice adult male
> N. Cardinal-23-5-9
> E. Towhee-2-0-0 very low numbers
> Red-winged Blackbird-6-1-30
> Boat-tailed Grackle-4-8-2
> Common Grackle-2-0-0 very low
> House Finch-0-9-0
> House Sparrow-0-8-0
> I'm inspired to maybe try a big day with similar good weather. On the other
> hand reading how exhausting these can be maybe I'll leave that for younger
> legs.
> Jack
> Jack Peachey
> Conway, SC