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HBSP on 9-24

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Today, I birded alone at Huntington Beach S.P., Murrells Inlet, Georgetown
County, SC.  A total of 47 different birds, although a few were not
identifiable as to species (que lastima).
The north end road is all but impassable with water.  And all the trails
are flooded.  Birded at the carriage path, causeway, and did about 40
minutes of hawk watching.
Pied-billed Grebe-1
Double-crested Cormorant-20
Great Blue Heron-2
Great Egret-4
Snowy Egret-15
Tricolored Heron-5
White Ibis-14
Wood Stork-8
Turkey Vulture-1
Hawk sp.-2
Merlin-1 migrating low and made a pass at one of the above birds
Clapper Rail-1 heard only
Black-bellied Plover-1
Semipalmated Plover-1
Short-billed Dowitcher-3
peep sp.-1
Caspian Tern-3
Mourning Dove-4
E. Screech Owl-1 answered the tape.
Owl sp.-1 large owl flying through the trees on the south side of the
carriage path
Chimney Swift-2
Hummingbird sp-1
Belted Kingfisher-2
Red-headed Woodpecker-1
E. Kingbird-3
Tree Swallow-45+
N. Rough-winged Swallow-2
Barn Swallow-3
Blue Jay-4
Fish Crow-2
Crow sp.-10
Carolina Chickadee-1
Tufted Titmouse-4
Carolina Wren-8
Gray Catbird-4
N. Mockingbird-4
Br. Thrasher-1
White-eyed Vireo-6
Blue-headed Vireo-1
Red-eyed Vireo-3
Prairie Warbler-1 immature not easy seperating this one from Magnolia
Am. Redstart-2
N. Waterthrush-1
N. Cardinal-5
Boat-tailed Grackle-8
House Finch-1

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC