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Black-throated Gray Wblr on Lake Norman

This morning's outing here in Lake Norman yielded a female B-t Gray
warbler.  I was watching a Golden-crowned Kinglet foraging on the Y-b
Sapsucker-hole-ringed maple just down the street from me when she was
replaced by this black, white, and gray (and little yellow nare-spotted)
dudess.  She was exhibiting the very same foraging behavior as the G-c
Knglt, and she let me watch her with binocs from a 12m distance for at
least 3-4 minutes.

Also, in addition the the usual winter supects, we had a Brown Creeper -
seldom seen in this neighborhood.

Cold and breezy it was this morning, but the birds made the foray worth
my while.

Tomm "Mr. Couldwrench (the quantum mechanic)" Lorenzin
Mooresville (Lake Norman), NC
"There is no god, and Dirac is his prophet"
      ~ Wolfgang Pauli
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