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Strange gull at Avon, NC

Last Satyrday I observed a gull on the beach beside
the Avon pier which I could not I.D. Maybe it was a
hybrid, who knows. Description as follows:
Slightly larger than a Ring-billed Gull, which was the
only other species present. Considerably darker mantle
than a Ring-billed, but not quite as dark as a Lesser
Black-backed. The mantle also was mottled with some
brown splotches, indicating the gull was not quite an
adult? The wing tips were solid black, no white. The
wings tips were darker than the mantle. The tail
appeared to be black with a white outer edge. The head
of the gull was fairly dirty, especially behind the
eye. The neck was also streaked. The breast was also
dirty. The eye color (iris) was very light (creamy).
The bill was black or nearly so and was fairly short
and stubby. The legs were a fairly neutral gray or
flesh color. I never saw the gull fly, it left when I
went back to the car for a field guide.
I give up - what was it!??
Jeff Lewis
Manteo, NC

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