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Could the Dead Robins be a casualty of the snow?

Has anyone seen a number of dead robins before now.  I haven't heard of any.
Where I live in the mountains we don't have robins this time of year, but in
the past when we have had late snows, late March early April and the Robins
are present they seem to congregate along the plowed roadsides looking for
food.  I remember a few years ago a 8 inch snow the last day of march or the
1st day of April, i think I hit 8 Robins in about a less than 10 miles and
many near misses.  There were lots of expired robins alond the road from
other collisions

They seem to wait until the last minute and fly infront of the vehicles.

I've seen this happen more than once.

Before I would get to excited about the shrubery think I would do some more
checking to see if it's still happening after the snow

Don Patterson
Mt. Mitchell Lands
Yancey County