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RE: Digital cameras

Anyone interested in digiscoping should check out the Yahoo listserve called "birds-pix," whose membership is worldwide. Daily I am amazed at the quality of images folks post to that list. The vast majority of those folks seem to prefer either the Nikon 990 or 995; my understanding, though I am by no means sure, is that the lenses on those models are recessed and do not protrude. Further, the folks on that listserve who seem to get the best results have adapters to attach their CoolPix cameras to their scopes. Whatever the case, do not make the mistake I made and buy a CoolPix 775 (against the advice of folks on the "birds-pix" listserve), which is a good general camera but not good for digiscoping because its lens does protrude, which only increases the vignetting effect problem (at least without an adapter).

Bob Ellis
Columbia, SC