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Fw: Beaufort meeting Jan. 2004

> To all interested birders:
>  I have field trips planned for the Savannah Spoil Site on Fri. 30th
> 8:00am and 1:00pm. and the same times on Sat. the 31st.We can take 20
> birders on each trip,with a maximum of 4 cars.
> The catch is that I have to send a form with name address phone # and
> signature of each birder to Atlanta, to gain permission to enter.
>  Please E-mail me with the day and time you want to go, and a second
> choice in case we have to many for the same time.I will also need your
> mailing address.
> The forms will be at the September meeting for all that are there that
> want to go to sign.
>  I will mail out to the remainder after the Hickory meeting.
> Also we will be having a all day trip to USC's Pritchard Island on
> and Sat. if you would rather go there, or you can do both on alternate
> days.
I need to find out how many want to go to Pritchard as I have to have a
deposit in by Aug. 15th.. I have reserved 2 days but if I don't get much
responce then I will cancel one day.
 The same goes for the Spoil site, If I don't get any more intrest than
has been shown then I will cancel the afternoon trip on each day. Spread
the word around and let's have a good showing. The ACE Basin is a jewel
of a place and we have the opportunity to get into places that we
normaly won't get into.
 What about a ACE Basin boat tour? any intrerst there or do you think it
will be too cold for that?
 Let me know what you want and I will try and get it done. Please

>  Van Atkins
> 2040 Church Creek Dr
> Charleston SC. 29414
> vatkins@knology.net
> (843)766-7000
> (843) 568-2222 Cell