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Caw Caw birdwalks

The following are highlights of the 3 hour birdwalks at Charleston County's
Caw Caw Park which is located on US 17 in Ravenel, SC about 10 miles south
of  the intersection of US 17 and US 526.  A small fee is charged.  For more
information lick in www.ccprc.com.

September 24, 2003

54 species were seen and/or heard on a nice day.  The most interesting were;
1 Glossy Ibis, 1 Red-shouldered Hawk, 1 Red-tailed Hawk, 1 first year
Broad-winged Hawk, 1 American kestrel, 1 Greater Yellowlegs, 1 Solitary
Sandpiper, 1 Spotted Sandpiper, 1 Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 1 Barred Owl, 1
northern Parula Warbler, 1 Yellow Warbler, 2 Palm Warblers, 2 northern
Waterthrushes, 1 American Yellowstart ( female red ), 1 female Scarlet
Tanager, 3 Indigo Buntings, and 1 Painted Bunting.

September 27, 2003

557 species were seen and/or heard on a nice day with scattered showers.
The most interesting were;  2 Wood Storks, 21 Black Vultures, 1 Coopers
Hawk, 8 Red-shouldered Hawks, 1 American Kestrel, 2 Solitary Sandpipers, 3
Barred owls, 3 Red-headed Woodpeckers, 1 Hairy Woodpecker, 4 Pileated
Woodpeckers, 6 Marsh Wrens, 1 Loggerhead Shrike, 40 White-eyed Vireos, 200
Red-eyed Vireos, 1 Northern Parula Warbler, 1 Chestnut-sided Warbler, 10
Pine Warblers, 1 Palm Warbler, 1 Black-poll Warbler, 6 Black-and-white
Warblers, 2 Northern Waterthrushes, 1 American Yellowstart, 50 Indigo

Perry E. Nugent
Charleston, SC